AtoZ 2018 – P is for Patrolling by Nightrizer

We must stay vigilant if we’re going to finish the April AtoZ Challenge 2018!  So up next is Patrolling by American deviantartist Katie, posting as Nightrizer. This piece was a commission of a character of one of Katie’s fans, done in the style of a YA book series called Wings of Fire by Venezuelan-American author Tui…

Eclipse by Adam Scythe

Yikes!  Time got away from me last week and I missed my post, but that just means you’ll get two posts this week, and tons of awesome dragon art!  Up first, in honor of the spectacle much of North America had a chance to see last week, this is Eclipse by professional watercolor artist Adam…

AtoZ 2017: W is for Willow

W is for Willow As I inch toward the finish line of my 2017 AtoZ Challenge series, Dragons in Our Fandoms, this time let’s look at a dragon from the modern classic fantasy movie Willow. Above is the official Tonka action figure (which I’ll talk about more in a moment) of the dreaded Eborsisk dragon from the movie, since there aren’t…

AtoZ 2017: V is for the Volsunga Saga

V is for the Volsunga Saga Moving (slowly but surely) right along in my 2017 AtoZ Challenge, we’ll examine another story from ancient mythology — this time travelling to Scandinavia, to examine the legendary 12th-13th century Norse prose poem that includes the slaying of the dragon Fafnir by the hero Sigurd in the Volsunga Saga. The full Volsungs Saga has been translated…

AtoZ 2017: U is for Ultima

U is for Ultima Apologies for the delay, but up next in my 2017 AtoZ Challenge, let’s take a look at the dragons in another video game franchise I sadly never had the opportunity to play — the classic series called Ultima, and it’s MMORPG successor, Ultima Online. Above is the original box art from Ultima I created by Denis Loubat and found at the…

AtoZ 2017: T is for the Temeraire Saga

T is for the Temeraire Saga I know it’s called the April 2017 AtoZ Challenge, but I’m going to finish my Dragons in Our Fandoms series at my own pace, and I hope you’ll indulge me!  I took a week off, but for this second week of May, let’s take a look at a series that was brand new…

AtoZ 2017: R is for Reign of Fire

R is for Reign of Fire Next up (and a little late, apologies) in the April 2017 AtoZ Challenge, let’s talk about the famous — or some might say, infamous — 2002 blockbuster movie Reign of Fire. Above is a concept sketch from the Reign of Fire wiki of one of the movie’s climatic scenes, and below is…

AtoZ 2017: Q is for Quest for Camelot

Q is for Quest for Camelot Another animated movie (and a musical, too!) next in the April 2017 AtoZ Challenge, this time a Warner Bros. offering from 1998 called Quest for Camelot. Those are the official movie poster and the character poster for “Devon & Cornwall: A two-headed dragon with an identity crisis,” from Internet Movie Poster Awards site, which boasts…