Dragons of the Flight Rising browser game

  So tomorrow’s the big day, when the April A to Z Challenge starts and my alphabetically-chosen dragons take flight!  Look for each to arrive every day (except Sundays) just after 1:05 PM Central Standard Time (GMT -5).  On Tuesdays and Wednesdays, I’ll also be posting my usual Discovery Challenge and Writing Craft posts, but those…

Wednesday Writing Craft: Through the fog…

“Writing is like driving at night in the fog. You can only see as far as your headlights, but you can make the whole trip that way.”  ― E.L. Doctorow I came across this quote today, and thought it quite aptly described what I’m going through with this Neeka story that’s become my Tuesday obsession.…

Tuesday Discover Challenge: Perspective

I’m pretty excited about today’s Discover Challenge post, because the stars have aligned to get me to post the first bit of story I wrote many weeks ago, that would eventually turn into this whole new Neeka adventure I’m embarking on lately.  I’ve gone back today and heavily edited it, and finished the scene as well,…

Dragon Amulet by Felicia Cano

Today’s picture isn’t an actual dragon, I guess, but I really loved this artwork, and it gives me a chance to be even more geeky than usual as I talk about my weekend. This Dragon Amulet comes from an expansion called The Dragon for the Fantasy Flight Games board game Talisman: The Magical Quest Game.  It was created by U.S.…

Black Dragon by Kekai Kotaki

This dangerous Black Dragon by artist American artist Kekai Kotaki is in honor of tonight’s Walking Dead episode — it was a tense and ominous hour with an unforgettable ending, and I can’t wait until next Sunday’s 90-minute season finale! There is a lot more beautiful art at Kekai’s site, including some amazing fantasy landscapes, and also art from Guild…

Red Dragon by IsisMasshiro

Today’s Red Dragon comes from Finnish deviantartist IsisMasshiro.  I’m finishing up Marvel’s Daredevil tonight, and I thought this guy looked perfectly devilish!  Stay creative everyone! Image credit

Dark Knights by ChocoHal

Ah, my beloved Toothless makes another appearance tonight, yay!  This is Dark Knights by Italian deviantartist ChocoHal.  There’s a lot more Batman-related art as well as other fandom work on her page, you should check it out! My husband is out seeing the new Batman vs. Superman movie tonight.  Apparently the critical reception has been…

Wednesday Writing Craft: “It will wait for you.”

Go slowly.  Love your story.  It will wait for you. ~ Allan G. Hunter Happy Wednesday, everyone!  This bit of writerly wisdom comes from the blog of fellow writer Rosanna at Writing on the Pages of Life.  I found her site through last week’s Discover Challenge — she submitted a wonderful piece called “Zen and the Art…