Writing Thoughts: Homework for the rest of your life…

Being a writer is like having homework every night for the rest of your life. — Lawrence Kasdan, screenplay writer and author Kasdan, the screenplay writer of some major motion pictures in the Star Wars and Indiana Jones franchises among other things, is 100% correct.  Being a writer, and especially a daily blogger, means I’ve signed myself…

Azure-Winged Dragon by Jennifer Miller

Ah, you know I couldn’t resist posting this pretty dragon with a name like that, right!  This is Azure-Winged Dragon by American professional artist Jennifer Miller, posting on deviantart as Nambroth.  Jennifer is on Facebook and Twitter, you can support her at Patreon, and she also has a StorEnvy site where you can purchase prints of…

Wednesday Writing Craft: Anne Rice on writing and risk…

To write something you have to risk making a fool of yourself. ~ Anne Rice Staying with the “risk” theme of the week, I thought this quote was especially fitting and good advice for everyone to remember. Just look at the stack of manuscript pages beside this Dragon Writer‘s typewriter.  Wouldn’t that be a nice thing…

Wednesday Writing Craft: Wisdom from Ira Glass

I’m a little pressed for time tonight as I try to keep up with the AtoZ posts that are steadily creeping up on me, so I’ll leave you with this adorable baby dragon and in the capable hands of the great Ira Glass, public radio broadcaster and producer, the host of the popular PRI program…

Wednesday Writing Craft: Through the fog…

“Writing is like driving at night in the fog. You can only see as far as your headlights, but you can make the whole trip that way.”  ― E.L. Doctorow I came across this quote today, and thought it quite aptly described what I’m going through with this Neeka story that’s become my Tuesday obsession.…

Wednesday Writing Craft: “It will wait for you.”

Go slowly.  Love your story.  It will wait for you. ~ Allan G. Hunter Happy Wednesday, everyone!  This bit of writerly wisdom comes from the blog of fellow writer Rosanna at Writing on the Pages of Life.  I found her site through last week’s Discover Challenge — she submitted a wonderful piece called “Zen and the Art…

Monday Writing Prompt – Moved to Tuesdays?

Today I found an idea that really intrigued me, so I went looking for an “intrigued” dragon picture and came across this absolutely stunning painting by Chinese freelance concept artist Xiaodi Jin.  I was only able to share a small part in the Featured Image, so be sure to click into the post to see the entire…