Discover Challenge – The Poetry of List Making

Apologies in advance, but this is not the next chapter of the Neeka Story, sad to say.  That is still vexing me, despite the fact that once again, I know very well what I need to write.  The words just aren’t coming, which is pretty much what happened with Finding Dragons too, and why I switched…

New Schedule for May! Dragon by Jasinai

This Dragon by German deviantartist Jasinai looks pretty content, perched here on top of his hoard, don’t you think?  He’s got everything under control, but I get the impression that he’s also planning his next move — so I thought he was the perfect dragon for my mood today. I loved participating in the April AtoZ…

Voting Dragon coloring page by bigblued

It’s Super Tuesday here in America — do you know where your delegates are? I couldn’t believe it when I actually found a picture of a dragon casting a ballot!  Deviantartist bigblued captions her Voting Dragon coloring page “A quick drawing of a dragon voting for the 2008 Worldcon at a Chicago style voting booth.” Here in…

A Daily Post prompt… “Key Takeaways”

Today’s arwork is called “My Determined Dragon” by Carolyn LeGrand.  Find more of her wonderful work at that link. I’m determined today.  Here is today’s daily prompt from WordPress’s Daily Post… Key Takeaway Give your newer sisters and brothers-in-WordPress one piece of advice based on your experiences blogging. If you’re a new blogger, what’s one…

Alien Dragon for X-Files premier…

Did anyone else catch the premier of the X-Files tonight on Fox? Overall, I’m not sure what to think yet… I’d like to rewatch the episode, and then see what tomorrow’s second part is like before I make any judgements. I was a big fan of the original series, but time is great at blurring…

Sick day spent with Harry Potter…

So, today my cold kicked my butt and I couldn’t make it to the Harry Potter marathon party I’ve been looking forward to for weeks, but since I own all the movies too, I just watched movies 1-5 by myself. The cold medicine knocked me out at times, but all in all it was a…

Writing about Finding Dragons…

So tonight’s blog post was supposed to be about something from my actual book, rather than just me talking about how I’m either writing or not, and how it’s going. However, as I composed that post, it just got more in-depth and more detailed, and I realized I didn’t want to rush it; I want…