Discover Challenge – The Poetry of List Making

Apologies in advance, but this is not the next chapter of the Neeka Story, sad to say.  That is still vexing me, despite the fact that once again, I know very well what I need to write.  The words just aren’t coming, which is pretty much what happened with Finding Dragons too, and why I switched over to the Neeka Story in the first place.  I feel like I’m a plotter at heart, but the writing stalls out unless I’m pantsing it.  It’s very frustrating.

So I thought I’d take a crack at doing the WordPress Discover Challenge in the more traditional way today, actually doing the prompt as written, instead of banging my head against the wall revising the first part and not writing the second part of the next chapter.  This week it’s all about The Poetry of List Making.  (If later, Neeka has to make a list about something in the story, I can always revisit the idea as a real chapter, but this is my plan for now.)

I thought I’d take some time today to make a list of all my writing/blogging projects, just to put it out there in the world again, and see if I feel like working on any of those things for awhile, as a way to get writing again.  Image credit is at the bottom, as usual.  Thanks for reading!

jabberwocky - Calligram by Rajlakshmi of The Poetry Wagon

I have major works in the works:  Finding Dragons, chapter four – the daring rescue, and Neeka’s Story, current chapter – the abandoned factory and the finesse race.  Then of course, there’s the weird Jessica Jones AU fanfic, and the two other vague Original Fic ideas that have never really coalesced.  Then my blogging projects:  this week’s Writing Thoughts post, also pre-write some “emergency” posts for the days I might miss, and maybe redo my About Me page…

Ach, look at the time!  I guess I can’t be very poetical right now, since we came home to a slight house-emergency (ants by the cat food, eeek!), but this at least meets the requirements for the Discover Challenge, and gives me a jumping off point for the next bit of writing I can do.

Thanks for reading all.  Take care, stay creative, and if I were you, I’d check to see if you have ants in your house, just in case!!  Ugh, it’s horrible!  But we’re getting all the stuff to take care of it, so hopefully, life will return to normal, ant-free serenity soon.  Bye!

This post is copyright © Jamie Lyn Weigt.  All rights reserved.  Please do not share without credit and a direct link back to this post and my site,

Today’s dragon art is a calligram of the poem Jabberwocky by Lewis Caroll, created in 2013 by Australian blogger Rajlakshmi and posted to her blog The Poetry Wagon.  As Rajlakshmi explains, a “calligram is a poem, phrase, or word in which the typeface, calligraphy or handwriting is arranged in a way that creates a visual image,” and when I went looking for a “dragon poem” picture to accompany today’s post, I thought her creation fit the bill perfectly.  You can check out more of her great poetry at the links. 

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