*About Me

Updated November 2019

My name is Jamie Lyn Weigt. I am a paralegal by day and a writer by night always, and I’ve just recently moved from Minneapolis, Minnesota to the Tampa/St. Petersburg area of Florida, right on the sunny Gulf Coast. I’m a proud geek and feminist who loves binge-watching television shows, playing video games and board games with friends, riding my hybrid road bike on trails and in traffic, attending Renaissance festivals and fandom conventions, and now, blogging.

Ren Fest 9-29-18I’ve been working on my novel Finding Dragons, the first in what I call my Dragons Trilogy, for a long while now I first decided to create this blog at the very end of December 2015 to report my weekly writing progress, but now Writing Dragons has morphed into something else entirely, where I feature and promote amazing dragon art and artists, and also talk not only about Finding Dragons but my other writing as well.

In 2016 I started writing a cyberpunk tale called Neeka’s Story that I worked on with the help of writing prompts from the WordPress Discover Challenge each week, and while that’s stalled out as of now, I hope to go back to it sometime soon.

I used to make a post every day, and from the beginning of this blog in January 2016 until the end of October 2016, I’d managed to post about one dragon artist I’d found on the internet with their dragon artwork, or to post some of my original writing, or at the very least to post a beautiful landscape image of an “empty sky” when I happened to miss a day.  I tried the April AtoZ Challenge since I was posting daily anyway, and actually got to the end!  But by October, I’d burned myself out and needed a break.

In 2017, I came back to my blog with a different schedule — I pared down to one post per week featuring an artist and their dragon artwork, as well as an update to what I’d been up to.  I participated in April AtoZ again, with the theme of Dragons in Media and long-form essays, and it was really fun — but I never did get my final few letters posted, boo.

In March 2018, I tried new schedule to get myself back on track with writing my novel while I blog on the side. (I had a few crazy months over the summer, but I was able to keep to this mostly!)

  • I’ll feature one artist with three pieces of awesome dragon art during the first and third weeks of the month, including all my usual links to the artist’s pages, social medias, and galleries so you can find more of their work;

  • I’ll craft a longer feature on the Birthstone Dragons theme every second week, filled with lots of dragon artwork by tons of new and returning artists; and

  • I’ll find a writing quote and a dragon every fourth week for an inspirational post, and include an update on my writing progress for the month and what my goals are for the month ahead.

The plan was to use my extra time in the first and third weeks of the month to actually work on my novel, and the writing thoughts and update post at the end of every month to keep myself accountable, which was the whole reason I created this blog in the first place!

In 2019 I kept up my Birthstone Dragons II feature every month, but I’ve had a lot going on and wasn’t able to continue most of my other posts.  With my last two Birthstones, I’m also planning a Thanksgiving post for November and a Holiday post in December, as well as a year-in-review update, so look for all that coming soon!

But now I’ve made it to the beach, and I’m going to make time to write, so hopefully in 2020 you’ll see a return to that posting schedule above.  This site means a lot to me, and every view, follow, like, comment, and clicked link is just more encouragement to keep me writing.  Thanks for following me on this amazing journey!


One of my favorite artists creates beautiful dragon - May Birthstone Dragon
figurines and necklaces that I simply adore (like this May Birthstone Dragon), so you’ll probably see a lot of work by How Many Dragons? creator Lindy Briggs while you’re here. She’s given me kind permission to use her images to decorate my site, so you should definitely go check out the How Many Dragons? Etsy shop, and support her by buying yourself a little dragon companion!  You can also see all of the How Many Dragons? I’ve shared by clicking this link to the tag.





This golden dragon is one of my personal logos, and was created for me by an artist many, many years ago.   I combined it with the snapdragon to honor my late mother-in-law.





I also use this dragon flying around the moon as my logo.  It’s a tattoo image that you can find everywhere on the internet, but with no attribution that I could ever track down.  If I ever do figure out the artist, I’ll definitely want to talk to them, so if you know, drop me a line on my new Contact Me form!



Thank you for visiting my site.  Take care, and stay creative!

This post is copyright © Jamie Lyn Weigt.  All rights reserved.  Please do not share without credit and a direct link back to this post and my site, writingdragons.com.

24 thoughts on “*About Me

    • Wow, interesting! Although I have to say, a bit NSFW… the first two images that came up were quite risque. I’ll play around with it more later and let you know what happens! Thanks for the link!


      • Oh dear. I forgot that there were those in there. I mean completely forgot, which is surprising because I’m a complete prude. I recommend the purchase of them. I like being able to pull out the ones I don’t want from the deck. The woman who created them was not an artist, but a Jungian Therapist. She delved deep into archetypes and the human experience to create those. Many say she was a tortured soul.

        Liked by 1 person

  1. Pingback: Blogging 101: Day 5 – Experimenting leads to an idea… | Writing Dragons

  2. Pingback: Here be dragons… | Writing Dragons

  3. Pingback: Catching up with Blogging 101… | Writing Dragons

  4. Pingback: Random Writing Friday: Essay about “Wisdom of the Mythtellers” by Sean Kane | Writing Dragons

  5. Pingback: Monday Writing Prompt – Moved to Tuesdays? | Writing Dragons

  6. This is a great about page! You are very similar to me when I was (much) younger and that appeals to me. Lol…I just might live vicariously through you – via the internet, of course.

    It’s funny that I came across your blog soon after I watched a documentary on the past existence of dragons. It was very good, but hypothetical, and in the end they decided that there’s no definitive proof of dragons’ existence. 😦 Personally, I DO believe that dragons existed, simply because there are so many ancient drawings from all over the globe, made by completely different people groups who had never had contact with one another. How could they have all have rendered such similar drawings? It had to have been the same creature.

    I enjoy fantasy and sci-fi, which is why I like your site. The “Lord of the Rings Trilogy” (movies, not books) are my favorite to date. And your characters are very similar to the ones in those movies.

    Currently, my absolutely favorite TV series is “The Originals” on the CW network. I also have a thing for vampires, and these vamps are classy, sleek, and bloody. The show has a more mature storyline than the Vampire Diaries, which I appreciate.

    I used to watch “Supernatural” also, but forgot to start back up on Season 11, so I’m pretty much lost. I would have to binge-watch from the beginning to understand the current.

    Well, sorry this is so long! I enjoy interacting with other bloggers with whom I share interests. It’s hard to find people my age who are into vampires and fantasy like I am!

    Keep up the great work!
    Melissa 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  7. Pingback: Update on the cyberstory, planning ahead, bookends, and a Pi dragon… | Writing Dragons

  8. Pingback: New Schedule for May! Dragon by Jasinai | Writing Dragons

  9. Pingback: The Summer Dragon, a novel by Todd Lockwood, with cover art The Evertide | Writing Dragons

  10. Pingback: Thursday Writing Thoughts: Writing is a healing art… | Writing Dragons

  11. Pingback: Blogger’s Recognition Award | domainofshane

  12. Whoa, writing a novel and a cyberpunk story at the same time? You’re ambitious! 🙂 I’m having trouble writing a “short story” (the monstrous thing took on a life of its own and is no longer short). I think I’d start confusing my stories if I tried to work on more than one. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  13. Pingback: Writing Thoughts: Write Every Day is bad advice, says professor Cal Newport | Writing Dragons

  14. Pingback: AtoZ 2018 – Z is for Zmey Gorynych by RJ Palmer | Writing Dragons

  15. Pingback: Spring Sea-Dragon by Piper Thibodeau | Writing Dragons

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