Dratini and Company by deft-hands

For today’s Daily Dragon, I found this adorable Pokemon fanart called Dratini and Company by deviantartist deft-hands.  I’ve been at a non-stop trivia contest all weekend (thus the quiz dragon yesterday), and while here picked up my 3DS and started playing Pokemon X again… gotta catch ’em all! I’ve always thought the evolution from the sinewy blue dragons Dratini and Dragonair into…

Daily Dragon: Mosaic dragon…

Here is a cool picture I found of a dragon in mosaic.  It was on a website called “Mythical Dragons – Quizzes and Fun Trivia,” and I admit I was skeptical at first, so I took the first quiz, “The Dragon with the Girl Tattoo.”  (It’s not about   There were some easy questions, but also…

Random Writing Friday – Forever Home

As you can see by my new schedule, today is a Random Writing Friday, where I post a finished work I’ve written that may or may not have anything to do with Finding Dragons.  These will be the only days I don’t always use a dragon picture for my featured image. Today’s work is a short story…

Here be dragons…

My post from yesterday had me thinking about maps, and a quick Google of “dragon maps” gave me some neat results worth further digging into, but also reminded me that the phrase “Here be dragons” is thought to have been used on early maps to describe unknown or uncharted territory. I’ve always thought the phrase was…

A new roadmap for my blogging adventure…

Hello again, and thanks as always for reading my blog!  As I’ve been hinting lately, now that I’ve been at this for about a month, and I’ve gotten some great ideas from Blogging 101, and from reading other blogs and seeing their different structures, it’s time to announce some changes to my format here on Writing…

The Moon Dragons by Dyan Sheldon (Author), Gary Blythe (Illustrator)

Today’s short post is about a fabulous picture book I recently found called The Moon Dragons, by Dyan Sheldon, illustrated by Gary Blythe. I love encouraging my nieces and nephews to discover fantasy and science fiction, especially dragons, and when I saw the beautiful illustrations in this book, I couldn’t resist getting it for them for Christmas.  It’s…

A Daily Post prompt… “Key Takeaways”

Today’s arwork is called “My Determined Dragon” by Carolyn LeGrand.  Find more of her wonderful work at that link. I’m determined today.  Here is today’s daily prompt from WordPress’s Daily Post… Key Takeaway Give your newer sisters and brothers-in-WordPress one piece of advice based on your experiences blogging. If you’re a new blogger, what’s one…

Alien Dragon for X-Files premier…

Did anyone else catch the premier of the X-Files tonight on Fox? Overall, I’m not sure what to think yet… I’d like to rewatch the episode, and then see what tomorrow’s second part is like before I make any judgements. I was a big fan of the original series, but time is great at blurring…

Sick day spent with Harry Potter…

So, today my cold kicked my butt and I couldn’t make it to the Harry Potter marathon party I’ve been looking forward to for weeks, but since I own all the movies too, I just watched movies 1-5 by myself. The cold medicine knocked me out at times, but all in all it was a…

Fixing my copyright notice…

Quick editor’s note from October 2017:  The info in this post is no longer current, as I changed up my copyright notice yet again months later, but I hate to delete things, especially my old and just-figuring-things-out work. I’m feeling a little better today, thank goodness, but I am a little hopped up on cold…