Mamie Dragon Series by Sandara

Mamie Dragon 01 by sandara

Cheerio everyone!  I started my vacation last week, travelling around the United Kingdom with my husband and some friends on a wonderful Trafalgar tour, so I’ve been really short on writing time, sorry for the late post!  But as the coach takes us up through the Yorkshire moors on our way to Glasgow this morning, I’m excited to share this new art series called Mamie Dragon by one of my all time favorite creators, Singaporean professional artist Sandara.

The poor dear had her wisdom teeth removed (!) and was laid up a few weeks ago, but that didn’t stop her from drawing and posting the beautiful image above to her Facebook page, Art of Sandara!

Then, over the course of the week, she kept drawing and posting more images from this new series she described as “An old lady who takes care of stray dragons since she is now retired.”  She has been pressed by many fans to explain further, but she continued, “That’s as far as I’ve thought for the background story!”

That first image, which you can purchase as a print at her Society6 page here, melted everyone’s hearts, and then the next day Sandara posted this second Mamie Dragon piece, captioning it simply, “Packed up after feeding the dragons.”  How absolutely adorable is that little green vying for Mamie Dragon’s attention, huh?

Mamie Dragon 02 by sandara

Now, as many of my longtime readers may remember, my husband and I have a clowder of rescue furkids ourselves (currently vacationing at their own little cat hotel while we’re in the U.K.), so when I saw Sandara’s next image, I immediately burst into awwwwww tears!  This is the third Mamie Dragon piece called Rescue.

Mamie Dragon 03 by sandara

And since everyone was so worried about the little white dragon, Sandara posted this fourth Mamie Dragon piece the next day, captioning it “Everything’s ok… all patched up.”  More awwwwwws, right?!  This’ll be me when I’m old, of course.  And as one fan pointed out, I love how the little red looks jealous of the new white interloper, lol.  Been there, done that!

Mamie Dragon 04 by sandara

A lot of fans kept asking Sandara if she had plans to turn this series into a children’s book or webcomic series or something, but the artist insists that she doesn’t “have the talent” for something like that — of course, that’s crazy talk, since these images by themselves tell such a great story!

This next was the fifth Mamie Dragon image — despite her protests, the cover of a future book or project perhaps?  🙂  Sandara  writes, “It looks so legit with a title. And thank you to Mauvee Bédard for the lovely title idea!”

Mamie Dragon 05 by sandara

The sixth Mamie Dragon image Sandara posted was just “Something simple for today,” but on the contrary, I think this definitely adds to the whole world building of these little stray dragons in Mamie Dragon’s world!  I wonder what Red is thinking in this picture…?  Either ‘don’t do that’ or ‘why didn’t I try that first?’  😉

Mamie Dragon 06 by sandara

Then in the seventh Mamie Dragon image called Shelter, we find Mamie Dragon chatting with someone about a dragon shelter for her charges.  This one is also available on Sandara’s Society6 page for purchase, by the way.  At first I wasn’t sure what she was holding, but the next image puts everything into context…

Mamie Dragon 07 by sandara

As you can see in this eighth Mamie Dragon image, it looks like she was carrying some extra wood to add on to her existing shelter for Red and Green, turning it into a two-story home and giving White a place with the family.  Cue the chorus of awwwws again, right?  This one is also at her Society6 page.  Sadly, this was the end of the series so far, as Sandara writes below:

Mamie Dragon 08 by sandara

Hey friends, it’s been a super fun week with Mamie and her dragons.  However, I will be busy with work starting from next week and won’t be continuing their adventures. Some way down the line, who knows? But for now, I’ll say bye to them. Thank you everyone!   ~Sandara

All right, we’re not quite to Glasgow but it’s time for more sightseeing, so be sure to check out the amazing Sandara’s Facebook page, her deviantart gallery, and her Society6 shop for more great artwork!  I’m hoping to get my writing thoughts post for July done this week and posted by Saturday, but if I stay as busy as I have been on this trip so far, I’ll at least have it out soon after I get back to the states, never fear. 🙂

Thanks as always for reading, take care, and stay creative!

Image credits;
All artwork in this post is by Sandara, from her Facebook page Art of Sandara 
Mamie Dragon 1Mamie Dragon 2Mamie Dragon 3Mamie Dragon 4Mamie Dragon 5Mamie Dragon 6Mamie Dragon 7 (Shelter)Mamie Dragon 8  

3 thoughts on “Mamie Dragon Series by Sandara

  1. My daughter’s friend posted this on FACEBOOK. I am a grandmother with 36 grandchildren. My daughter showed it to me knowing that at 69 Mamie and I have lots in common!!!

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