Happy Birthday Hiccup (and me!) by sharkie19


My birthday was yesterday and I’ve found just the perfect picture, don’t you think?  It’s called Happy Birthday Hiccup by American deviantartist Rachel, posting as sharkie19.  Look at those begging eyes!  Tell me in the comments if you’ve ever had one of your fur- (or scale-!) kids look at you like that, LOL!  According to Rachel (and a quick Google), Hiccup was born on February 29.

I had a great time yesterday — I did a little bit less writing and biking, and a little bit more dart playing and drinking (including my first shot of Fireball Whisky!), than I had planned, but it was really fun!  (This morning getting up for work was less fun, though… -_-)

So far I have the first ‘island’ scene in my new writing plan started, but I might not get my full two pages done this week — and I’m cutting myself a little slack because of the holiday, my birthday, and just starting out, and thus avoiding the “negative reinforcement” that Atchity warns against. Wish me luck anyway!

Up next from Rachel is Dragon of Kells, a HTTYD piece done in the style of the artwork of the 2009 French-Belgian-Irish movie The Secret of Kells, which I also loved.  Rachel mentions in her caption that “Of course this seems like a strange cross over considering what the vikings did in the Secret of Kells…” but let’s just enjoy the artwork, shall we? 😉

Dragon of Kells by sharkie19

And finally, here’s one more from Rachel, just called HTTYD 2, her first drawing on a new tablet back in 2014.  Even though she said she was still “getting used to it,” I think this turned out great!


Rachel has tons of amazing artwork not just limited to HTTYD and I can’t wait to feature her again, but for now I’ll just point you at her gallery, her Tumblr, her YouTube channel, and her Facebook and Twitter, and you can also support her artwork at her RedBubble shop.

Thank you as always for reading, take care, and stay creative!  Remember this is a bonus week, so next week will just be dragons and hopefully more writing by me, before we get to June’s birthstones the week after that!  See you then!

Image credits:
All artwork in this post is by sharkie19.
Happy Birthday HiccupDragon of Kells, and HTTYD 2  

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