Black Dragon by el-grimlock


Lovely form and detail on this dragon art by Chilean deviantartist el-grimlock.  I really like the color pallet here too, the warm earth tone oranges contrasted with the cool slates.

From the same artist’s deviantart site, below is an earlier version of this dragon in battle, which he says he “like[s] in terms of action but not so much on creature design.”  I’d have to agree with that, but I tend to post still dragons, so I couldn’t pass up the opportunity to show this one.  That poor dragon and rider!


Take care, stay creative (and “fired up” lol) everyone!

Image credits:
Black dragon art by el-grimlock
The black dragon attacks by el-grimlock

3 thoughts on “Black Dragon by el-grimlock

  1. I love the deviant art website, and most of the contributors there are superb. I have to say, however, that this dragon rendering just doesn’t look right to me. I think the snout and mouth look wrong on the first image, and in the action scene, the dragon puts me in the mind of “The Transformers”. Lol, I don’t know why, it just doesn’t look realistic to me. I prefer more ancient-looking dragons myself. But hey, thanks for sharing! I’ll always come take a look-see. 🙂

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    • Thanks Melissa! I agree with your critiques of today’s dragons, although I can overlook the weird snout on the first one because I think the pose, and the detail (like the claws), and the colors make it spectacular. I love showcasing all kinds of artists and try to share a huge variety of dragons, from cartoony drawings to epic paintings, so hopefully there’s something for everyone. 🙂

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