Water Dragon by Efria


Tonight we have a beautiful painting called Water Dragon by Japanese deviantartist Efria.  I love the winged ears, and the fur down his back reminds me of a luck dragon.  I also think his face looks kind of like a yak, but it’s no less cute for it. 🙂

This is just one of the great pieces in Efria’s gallery, and while he didn’t post any more dragons, he did paint this adorable Cat in Grass Bush, which I’m totally now using as my tablet’s wallpaper.


He has a wonderful and vibrant watercolor style, as shown in this one last painting for tonight called Stroll in the Bottom of the Sea.


Glad to share some pretty art tonight, even though my thoughts are still with the LGBTQ+ community in Orlando, one week later.  Thanks for reading, stay creative!

Image credits:
Water Dragon by Efria

Cat in Grass Bush by Efria
Stroll in the Bottom of the Sea by Efria

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